Nikhil Podila
 - Space
NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest (2nd prize) 
The Space Settlement Content organized by NASA AMES Space center and the National Space Society is an international competition for students to participate in planning and designing of various subsystems that might be required to construct a human settlement in space. As a team member in charge of transportation and automation chapters and team leader involved in compiling the entire project, this was one of my deepest dives into exploration of space and technologies for human and robots to survive in space.
To receive the prize and present our results, the entire team attended the International Space Development Conference 2011 in Huntsville, AL. As my first conference, interacting with eminent scientists from NASA and space enthusiasts was an inspiring and motivating experience for me. After years of stage-fright, giving my first oral presentation to such an esteemed audience helped me gain confidence in my presentation skills and the subject I spoke.
Space Development Network Conference 2016 
Space Development Network was an organization that originated from a group of Indian space enthusiasts, who gathered in chat rooms and facebook groups to discuss about space and each of their work in this field. I joined the group at its initial stages and carried forward the discussions. A year later, our group organized the SDN conference and were honoured to interact closely with speakers from ISRO, DRDO, IISc, IIST and IIAP.
Working closely with the leaders of SDN, I was involved in setting up the venue at IISc, inviting guest speakers, organizing various audience interaction activities and digital ticket support. On the conference day, I was in charge of the posters and demo exhibit halls. Having never organized an event, all these tasks were surprisingly overwhelming for me. Ensuring the smooth flow of events on the day of the conference posed a lot of pressure for all of us, but nevertheless strengthened my interest in working towards the final goal.